Sunday, September 11, 2011

Black Men Must Stay Positive And Support One Another Despite The Obstacles Thrown Our Way To Keep Us From Succeeding.....

As a positive brother out here striving to reach my goals and simultaneously improve as a man spiritually, physically, intellectually, and mentally, it is an everyday struggle to stay positive and upbeat despite the obstacles thrown in my way to keep myself and other brothers from succeeding. Often I reminisce on how far I have come and I reflect on the anguish that I have endured that has gotten me to the place where I currently am in my young life. As I reflect on the lessons learned and the experiences gained, I realize more than ever before the plight that positive black men go through on a daily basis. Most of the this stems from a lack of guidance and support systems that other groups of people already have. These systems are next to non-existent for black men. We are going to have to change this, if we are to improve the community as well as the lives of young and older black men. Positive black men are often counted out of society many times over.

Positive black men who are working towards improving themselves face an uphill battle from society as well as  from our own black community. The sea of negativity is so vast and deep in the black community that it fails to embrace positive black men who are not a walking stereotype! Not only does this exist in the black community but it exists in mainstream society as well. People are so use to the stereotypes of black men, that they seem shocked and uncomfortable when a black man is intelligent, speaks well, and does not fit the stereotypical role that society sees him as. In many cases interaction ceases. Because of this many brothers feel isolated and alone. Many times some brothers feel as though they have to resort to acting negative to gain acceptance.

It is a constant struggle to do the right thing and stay on the right path, when you're constantly seeing people being praised and rewarded for performing negative acts.The thought of caving into the pressure of acting and thinking negative is so great that many brothers just throw up their hands in defeat and give into it because they want to feel accepted.The pressure is so tremendous because the downside of not giving in is feeling completely isolated, and alone. Over time the feelings gradually build to their boiling point where you feel as though you can't take it anymore. The loneliness and pain become too great to ignore.

Growing up, there were many times where I felt isolated, alone, and defeated. I felt as if I had been ostracized from my own group of people. No matter how hard I tried, I never fit into any social group. There were times where I suffered from bouts of depression and anxiety because of this. Many times I just wanted to check out of life altogether.Fortunately for me, I had a strong mother as well as a solid spiritual foundation from which I drew inspiration and strength and as a result I was able to pick myself up and soldier on. Many Brothers don't have this and they suffer in silence daily. But I want to give the brothers a word of encouragement.

No matter what society tells you, stay positive and maintain your focus on your goals and where you are going in life. Don't let anyone or anything stop you from improving yourself in all aspects of life. Even when society tells you that you are not good enough, DON'T BELIEVE THEM AND MARCH ON! Walk upright and believe in yourself and the potential that rests inside of you. You are becoming a force of change and good that our community needs to improve. Support other positive brothers and form solid networks so you all can improve. We need to support and uplift one another. We are not each others competition, but each others strength. 

Black men cannot afford to be selfish and hateful towards each other. We are all we have and the few people that actually care about us. We need to network and forge bonds with each other as well as form support groups to uplift and encourage one another if we are going to make it out here. Positive brothers working together makes for an infinitely better community.

Take care and God bless

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